Re: Arwyn Pennington Bailey, “The Fire
Lord Pennington B=
ailey, Arwyn of Hougun Manor.
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8 Mar 22:24, TV Writers Vault:
Expired Member Follow Up=0AThe Television Writers Vault=
=0A=0AClient: Arwyn=20=
Pennington Bailey
Project Title(s): The Fire Pit
ame: arwynb
=0A=0AMarch, 08, 2025
i Arwyn Pennington Bailey,
=0A=0AThe TV Writers Vault is the firs=
t and only TV Industry website to deliver show ideas from Creatives like=
you to Producers for successful global broadcast on networks like Disco=
very, A&E, Lifetime, Fox International, SYFY, UKTV and more.. We tho=
ught it important enough to mention some recent activity as it relates t=
o your project(s).
=0A=0ASince you’ve been away from our service,=
the following companies have been scouting new concepts and scripts spe=
cifically within the genre of your projects:
=0A=0A20th Century Fox Television=0A20th Televisio=
n=0A252 PRODUCTIONS=0A3 Ball Productions/Eyeworks USA=0AABC Studios=0AAlcon Entertainment=0AAllan R=
=2E Smith Productions=0AAmerican Media Television=0AAsyl=
um Entertainment=0AAtlas Media Corp=0AAvalon Televisio=
n USA=0ABCII=0ABrian Graden Media=0ABuck Prod=
uctions=0ABuck Productions Inc.=0ACakehouse Media=
=0ACapestany Films=0ACavelight Films=0ACBC Televis=
ion=0ACBS Films=0ACBS Paramount=0ACBS Paramou=
nt Network Television=0AChampion Entertainment=0ADatsE=
ntertainment=0ADragonfly Film and TV=0AEllman Entertai=
nment=0AFilm Garden Entertainment=0AFox Broadcasting=0AFox Interactive Media=0AFox International Channels=0AFox Searchlight Pictures=0AFox Television Studios=
=0AFX Network=0AGRB Entertainment=0AHBO=0AHDNet=0AHomerun Entertainment=0AInnovative Artists=0AITV Studios America=0AJane Street Entertainment=
=0AJupiter Entertainment=0AJV Productions=0AKomixx=
Entertainment=0ALike The Wind Productions LLC=0ALitto=
n TV=0AMagical Elves=0AMandeville Films Inc=0AManville Media=0AMGM=0AMichael Berk Productions=
=0ANeon Television=0ANETFLIX=0AParamount Network=0APing Pong Productions=0AReyes Entertainment=0AROBBINS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP=0AScream Films (UK Based)=0A=
Shatner Universe=0AShootersTV=0ASony Pictures Inte=
rnational TV=0ASony Pictures Television=0AStarz=
=0AStarz Media=0AStowaway Films=0Atest=0A=
ThunderBall Films, LLC=0AUnited Talent Agency=0AViacom=
CBS=0AZero Gravity Management=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0APreviously we’ve garnered exclusive exposure of your projects to key=20=
companies in the industry, as follows:
=0A=0AThe Fire Pit | Docu-Style Reality Series=0ANeo=
n Television – Reviewed=0ANeon Television – Reviewed=0ANeon Television – Reviewed=0AJupiter Entertainment – Reviewed=0AJupiter Entertainment – Reviewed=0ANeon Television -=
Reviewed=0ANeon Television – Reviewed=0AFilm Garden E=
ntertainment – Reviewed=0ABuck Productions Inc. – Reviewed=
=0ABuck Productions Inc. – Reviewed=0ABuck Productions Inc.=
– Reviewed=0ABuck Productions Inc. – Reviewed=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A=0AWith more writers landing deals every month, and=
new shows currently On-Air after being discovered at the TV Writers Vau=
lt, we encourage you to continue pitching your projects to the industry.=
Please visit the following link to select any activation term, and we’l=
l activate all of your projects immediately following:
ication will be sent to all executives who have not yet viewed your proj=
=0A=0AFor interviews and details on shows discovered and ai=
ring from the TV Writers Vault, click below:
=0A=0ATO UNSCUBSCRIBE from this notificati=
on, please request so via this email in direct reply.
ng you the best. Please let us know if you need any assistance during th=
e process.
=0A=0AYours Truly,
=0A=0AThe Television Writers=
If you wis=
h to cease further notifications regarding your account and projects, yo=
u may request to “Please Unsubscribe” directly via this email in return.=