Re: J C Trafford’s LI Recommendation +



Lord Pennington=20=
Bailey, Arwyn of Hougun Manor.




We are proud members of The Trafford Community.



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Mar 15:29:
> Hello Arwyn,=0A
> =0A
> Hope yo=
u’re doing well! Did you get a chance to look over my first email? =
> =0A
> Just like how T L Media crafts compelling visual=
narratives to enhance client prestige and impact, Synup crafts efficien=
cy and profitability for agencies with location intelligence and SEO ana=
> =0A
> Essentially, Synup is an online brand man=
agement solution used to help brick and mortar businesses boost traffic=20=
by accurately listing and updating all their locations=E2=80=99 info acr=
oss 65+ different search engines (google, tripadvisor, bing, etc). =
> =0A
> Our partners typically see an increase of 18 mon=
ths in their customer lifetime after working with us.=0A
> =0A
> Worth a short call?=0A
> =0A
> Best,=0A
> Jennife=
r Ross=0A
> Impact Team=0A
> Synup | New York=0A
> &nb=
> =0A
> Inbox full? Reply =E2=80=98nope=E2=80=99 and=20=
we=E2=80=99ll take the message (literally).=0A
> =0A
> On We=
d, February 26, 2025 6:12 PM, Jennifer Ross =0A
> [jennifer.ross@a=]> wrote:=0A
> =0A
> > Hi Arwyn,=0A
gt; > =0A
> > Saw on LinkedIn that J C Trafford highlighted=20=
your uplifting enthusiasm and professionalism in capturing “perfect mome=
nts in time.” It’s inspiring how you make every project so easy to manag=
e while still producing stunning imagery across five counties.=0A
; > =0A
> > That said, I was wondering if you=E2=80=99re loo=
king to add another revenue stream for your company? =0A
> &g=
t; =0A
> > I=E2=80=99m from Synup, where we offer a white-label=
ed version of our SEO/brand management solution to marketing agencies li=
ke yours. =0A
> > =0A
> > We produce SEO results=20=
for our agency partners while helping them add new services to their off=
ering. All in all, we’ve generated around $100M in additional revenue fo=
r 1,500+ partners. =0A
> > =0A
> > Open to learni=
ng more?=0A
> > =0A
> > All the best,=0A
> >=20=
Jennifer Ross=0A
> > Impact Team=0A
> > Synup | New Yo=
> >  =0A
> > =0A
> > Inbox full? R=
eply =E2=80=98nope=E2=80=99 and we=E2=80=99ll take the message (literall=
> >=0A

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